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playground:top100books [2020/09/28 13:38] hardmoodplayground:top100books [Unknown date] (current) – removed - external edit (Unknown date)
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-===== Grundlagen Literaturliste ===== 
-Unten aufgeführt sind ±100 Bücher von denen sich Felix wünscht, das seine StudentInnen diese im Laufe des Grundstudiums zumindest einmal in der Hand gehalten haben. Einige von diesen Büchern findet man im //Apparat Dozentenempfehlung// in der[[https://www.fh-muenster.de/bibliothek/index.php|Bibliothek für Architektur, Design und Kunst ]] (Leonardo-Campus 10, Telefon: (0251) 83-64865). 
-  Tsundoku. Ein japanisches Wort dafür, daß man mehr Bücher besitzt als man lesen kann; 
-  Eine Erinnerung daran wie wenig man weiß. 
-==== Wahrnehmung/Psychologie ==== 
-  * Auge und Gehirn, Psychologie des Sehens, Richard L. Gregory, Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag GmBH, Reinbek bei Hamburg, April 2001 
-  * 100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People, Susan M. Weinschenk, Berkeley, 2011 
-  * Wie Design Wirkt, Psychologische Prinzipien erfolgreicher Gestaltung, Monika Heimann, Michael Schütz, Rheinwerk Verlag, Bonn, 2019 
-==== Zeichnen/Visualisierungs Techniken ==== 
-  * Ideen Visualisieren, Scribble Layout Storyboard, Gregor Krisztian, Nasrin Schlempp-Ülker, Verlag Hermann Schmidt, Mainz, 1998 
-  * Sketching the Basics, Koos Eissen, Rosalien Steur, BIS Publishers, Amsterdam, 2016 
-  * Sketching, Drawing Techniques for Product Designers, Koos Eissen, Rosalien Steur, BIS Publishers, Amsterdam, 2015 
-==== Grafik/Visuelle Kommunikation ==== 
-  * abcdefg…, Schrift und Typografie, Die Sprache der klassischen Schriften, Stefan Weidmann, Niggli, Sulgen, 1999 
-  * Arabic for Designers, An Inspirational Guide to Arabic Culture and Creativity, Mourad Boutros, Thames & Hudson Ltd., London, 2017  
-  * Das ABC der Farbe,Markus Wäger, Rheinwerk Verlag, Bonn, 2019 
-  * Das Design-Buch für Nicht-Designer, Gute Gestaltung ist einfacher, als sie denken!, Claudia Karthaus, Rheinwerk Verlag, Bonn, 2018 
-  * Design is Storytelling, Ellen Lupton, Cooper Hewitt, New York, 2017 
-  * Die Grundlagen des Gestaltens, Roberta Bergmann, Hauptverlag, Bern, 2017 
-  * Farbsysteme in Kunst und Wissenschaft, Narciso Silvestrini, Ernst Peter Fischer, Dumont, Köln, 2002   
-  * Grafik und Gestaltung, Das umfassende Handbuch, Markus Wäger, Rheinwerk Verlag, Bonn, 2018 
-  * Graphic Design Referenced, A Visual Guide to the Language, Applications, and History of Graphic Design, Bryony Gomez-Palacio, Armin Mit, Rockport Publishers, Beverly, 2012 
-  * Grid Systems in Graphic Design/Raster Systeme für die Visuelle Gestaltung,Josef Müller-Brockmann, Niggli, Salenstein, 1981 
-  * Grundkurs Grafik und Gestaltung, Fit für Studium und Ausbildung, Claudia Karthaus, Rheinwerk Verlag, Bonn, 2018 
-  * History of Graphic Design, Philip B. Meggs, Alston W. Purvis, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, 2016 
-  * Information Graphics, Sandra Rendgen, Taschen GmBH, Köln, 2012 
-  * Look Inside, Cutaway Illustrations and Visual Storytelling, Juan Velasco, Samuel Velasco, Gestalten, Berlin, 2016 
-  * Mr. Typo und der Schatz der Gestaltung, Alessia Leonardo, Verlag Hermann Schmidt, Mainz, 2013 
-  * Meisterbuch der Schrift, Jan Tschichold, Nikol Verlag, Hamburg, 2011 
-  * Never Use White Type on a Black Background, And 50 other Ridiculous Design Rules, BIS Publishers, Amsterdam, 2009 
-  * Newspaper Design, Editorial Design from the World’s Best Newsrooms, Gestalten, Berlin, 2018 
-  * Patterns in Nature, Why the Natural World Looks the Way it Does, Philip Ball, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2016 
-  * Photoviz, Visualizing Information Through Photography, Nicolas Felton, Gestalten, Berlin, 2016  
-  * Rock, Paper, Scissors, The Work of Julien Vallèe, Gestalten, Berlin, 2011 
-  * Sagmeister, Made You Look, Booth-Glibborn Editions, London, 2001 
-  * Signage and Wayfinding Design, A Complete Guide to Creating Environmental Graphic Design Systems, Chris Valori, David Fanden-Eynden, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, 2015 
-  * The Book of Circles, Visualizing Spheres of Knowledge, Manuel Lima, Princeton Architectural Press, New York, 2017 
-  * The Golden Ratio, The Divine Beauty of Mathematics, Gary B. Meisner, Race Point, New York, 2018 
-  * The Visual History of Type, Paul Mc Neil, Laurence King Publishing Ltd., London, 2017 
-  * Visual Complexity, Mapping Patterns of Information, Manuel Lima, Princeton Architectural Press, New York, 2011 
-  * Visual Explanations, Images and Quantities, Evidence and Narrative, Edward R. Tufte, Graphic Press, Cheshire, 1998 
-  * Wo der Buchstabe das Wort führt, Ansichten über Schrift und Typographie, Kurt Weidemann, Cantz Verlag, Ostfildern, 1997 
-==== Design Kompendia/Geschichte/…==== 
-  * 50 Designers You Should Know, Prestel, Munich, 2016  
-  * Bauhaus 1919-1933, Magdalena Droste, Bauhaus Archiv Museum für Gestaltung, Berlin, 2002 
-  * Design as Research, Positions, Arguments, Perspectives, Gesche Joost, Katharina Bredies, Michelle Christensen, Florian Conrad, Andreas Unleidig, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2016 
-  * Design, History, Theory and Practice of Product Design, Bernhard E. Bürdek, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2015 
-  * Design, The Definitive Visual History, Angela Wikis (Edit.), Darling Kindersley Limited, London, 2015 
-  * Innovation, A very Short Introduction, Mark Dodgson, David Gann, Oxford University Press, 2018  
-  * Japanese Design, Art, Aesthetics & Culture, Patricia J. Graham, Tuttle Publishing, North Clarendon, 2014 
-  * Less but better, Weniger, aber besser, Dieter Rams, Gestalten, Berlin, 2014 
-  * Lob des Schattens, Entwurf einer japanischen Ästhetik, Tanizaki Jun’ichiro, Manesse Verlag, Zürich, 2002 
-  * Morus Utopia, Thomas Morus, Insel Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 1992 
-  * Simplicity, Die Zehn Gesetze der Einfachheit, John Maeda, Elsevier GmBH, München, 2007 
-  * Speculative Everything, Design, Fiction, And Social Dreaming, Anthony Dune, Fiona Raby, MIT Press, Cambridge, 2013 
-  * Ten Principles for Good Design: Dieter Rams, Cees W. De Jong, Prestel, Munich, 2017 
-  * The Art of Critical Making, Rhode Island School of Design on Creative Practice, Rosanne Somerson, Marla L. Hermano, Wiley& Sons Inc., Hoboken, 2013  
-  * The Bauhaus and Design Theory, Ellen Lupton, J. Abbott Miller, Princeton Architectural Press, New York, 2019 
-  * The Service Innovation Handbook, Action-oriented creative Thinking Toollkit for Service Organisations, Lucy Kimbell, BIS Publishers, Amsterdam, 2014 
-  * This is Service Design. Basics – Tools – Cases, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, 2011 
-  * Universal Principles of Design, 150 Essential Tools for Architects, Artists, Designers, Developers, Engineers, Inventors, and Makers, William Lidwell, Kritina Holden, Jill Butler, Rockport Publishers, Beverly, 2015 
-  * Women in Design, From Aino Aalto to Eva Zeisel, Charlotte Fiell, Clementine Fiell, Laurence King Publishing Ltd., London, 2019 
-  * World History of Design, Prehistoric to World War 1, Victor Margolin, Bloomsbury, London, 2015 
-  * World History of Design, World War 1 to World War 2, Victor Margolin, Bloomsbury, London, 2015 
-==== Design & Sustainability/Biodesign ==== 
-  * Biodesign, Nature, Science, Creativity, William Myers, Thames & Hudson, London, 2012 
-  * Plastic, A Toxic Love Story, Susan Freinkel, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, New York, 2011 
-  * The Upcycle, Beyond Sustainability – Designing for Abundance, William McDonough, Michael Braungart, North Point Press, New York, 2013 
-==== Produkt/Industrie Design/Material ==== 
-  * 100 Produkte der Zukunft, Wegweisende Ideen, die unser Leben verändern werden, Theodor W. Hänsch (Hg.), Ullstein Buchverlage GmBH, Berlin, 2007 
-  * Against the Grain, Wood in Contemporary Art, Craft and Design, Monacelli Press, New York, 2012 
-  * CAD and Rapid Prototyping for Product Design, Douglas Bryden, Laurence King Publishing Ltd., London, 2014 
-  * Folding Techniques for Designers, From Sheet to Form, Paul Jackson, Laurence King Publishing Ltd., London, 2011 
-  * Fritz Kahn, Uta von Debschitz, Thilo von Debschitz, Taschen, Köln, 2013 
-  * Handbuch für Technisches Produktdesign, Material und Fertigung, Entscheidungsgrundlagen für Designer und Ingenieure, Andreas Kalweit, Springer, Berlin, 2012 
-  * Human Dimension & Interior Space, A Source Book of Design Reference Standards, Julius Panero, Martin Zellik, Watson-Guptill Publications, New York, 1979  
-  * Industrie Design A-Z, Charlotte File, Peter File, Taschen GmBH, Köln, 2016 
-  * Manufacturing Processes for Design Professionals, Rob Thompson, Thames & Hudson Ltd, London, 2018 
-  * Origami Tesselations, Awe-Inspiring Geometric Designs, Eric Gjerde, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, 2009 
-  * Paper, Material, Medium and Magic, Neil Holt (Edit.), Prestel, Munich, 2018 
-  * Papier, Versuche zwischen Geometrie und Spiel, Franz Zeier, Haupt Verlag, Bern, 2009 
-  * Prototyping and Modelmaking for Product Design, Bjarki Hallgrimsson, Laurence King Publishing Ltd., London, 2013 
-  * Research Methods for Product Design, Alex Milton, Paul Rodgers, Laurence King Publishing Ltd., London, 2013 
-  * Super Normal. Sensations of the Ordinary, Naoto Fukasawa, Jasper Morrison, Lars Müller Publishers, Zürich, 2016 
-  * The Art of Folding, Creative Forms in Design and Architecture, Jean-Charles Trebbi, Promopress, Barcelona, 2012 
-  * The Art of Folding 2, Design Without Boundaries, Jean-Charles Trebbi, Promopress, Barcelona, 2017 
-  * The Material Sourcebook for Design Professionals, Rob Thompson, Thames & Hudson Ltd, New York, 2017 
-==== Physical Computing/Computational Design/Interaction Design/Medien Design ==== 
-  * A Touch of Code, Interactive Installations and Experiences, Robert Klangen, Sven Ehmann, Verena Hanschke, Berlin, Gestalten, 2011 
-  * Coding Languages for Absolute Beginners, Zach Webber, 2018 
-  * Creative Code, Aesthetic und Programmierung am MIT Media Lab, John Magda, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2004 
-  * Data-Driven Graphic Design, Creative Coding for Visual Communication, Andrew Richardson, Bloomsbury Publishing, New York, 2016 
-  * Dear Data, Georgia Lupe, Stefanie Posavec, Princeton Architectural Press, New York, 2016 
-  * Designing Interactions, Bill Moggridge, MIT Press, Cambridge, 2007 
-  * Getting Started with Arduino, Massimo Banzi, Maker Media, Sebastopol, 2015 
-  * Getting Started with Processing, A Hands-On Introduction to Making Interactive Graphics, Casey Reis, Ben Fry, Maker Media, San Francisco, 2015 
-  * Grundlagen der Mediengestaltung, Christian Fries, Carl Hanser Verlag, München, 2016 
-  * Interaktive Systeme, Band 1, Grundlagen, Graphical User Interfaces, Informationsvisualisierung, Bernhard Reim, Raimund Dachselt, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2010 
-  * MAKE: Getting started with Sensors, Measure the World with Electronics, Arduino, and Rasperry Pie, Kimmo Karvinen, Tero Karvinnen, Maker Media, San Francisco, 2016 
-  * Processing, A Programming Handbook for Visual Designers and Artists, Casey Reis, Ben Fry, MIT Press, Cambridge, 2014 
-  * The Manga Guide to Electricity, Kazuhiro Fujitaki, No Starch Press, San Francisco, 2009 
-Und wer nicht genug von der obigen Liste hat kann auch mal nachgucken welche Bücher in [[https://fhb.libib.com|Felix Bücherregal]] (Libib Katalog) stehen. 
/var/www/vhosts/hardmood.info/httpdocs/data/attic/playground/top100books.1601300336.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/28 19:08 (external edit)