
A DokuWiki flirting with bilingualism to chronicle Prof. Felix Beck's courses and academic antics.

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start [2021/01/17 20:20] hardmoodstart [2024/04/22 06:56] – [Teaching at FH Münster University of Applied Sciences] Felix Hardmood Beck
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-<hi #521186>NYUAD students</hi> and scholars interested in Felix Hardmood Beck's work at New York University Abu Dhabiplease note that this wiki only contains content relating to my involvement at the [[https://de.fh-muenster.de/msd/index.php|Münster School of Design]] (MSD) starting Summer 2020If you are looking for older or specific course related information (syllabi, project documentations, etc.) for courses like //Utilitas, Venustas, Firmitas//, //Plastic Fantastic//, or //Manus Et Machina//, or to read about my research at the //[[http://www.ntsi.info|NTSI Lab]]// and the //[[http://plastic.international|Plastic Recycling Research Lab]]//, please check the old revision of the wiki [[http://www.felix-beck.de/nyuad/teaching/doku.php?id=start|here]]. If you are interested in the 3 semester //Design Master// at the MSD feel free to contact Felix (see below).+<WRAP center round box 100%> 
 +Willkommen, Welcome, Bienvenido, أهلاً وسهلاً, ברוך הבא, स्वागत है, 欢迎, … :-)  \\ \\  
 +On this website Prof. Felix Hardmood Beck shares an overview on his current and past teaching activitiesand everything else that relates to his courses and academic involvement. His professional design portfolio can be found under [[http://www.felix-beck.de|www.felix-beck.de]]. He is currently setting up a new research group around the newly founded //Creative Technologies Lab//. Check out his former research activities under [[https://www.ntsi.info|www.ntsi.info]]. Happy reading! </WRAP>
-===== MSD – Münster School of Design, University of Applied Sciences Münster ===== 
-==== Design studieren ====+-----
-Das **Bachelor of Design** Studium an der MSD zeichnet sich aus durch: Interdisziplinarität (Learning by Doing), Praxisorientiertheit => Denken, Darstellen, Entwerfen und Bearbeiten, breit gefächerstes Grundlagenstudium, erst im Hauptstudium Fokus auf einen der vier Bereiche 1. Kommunikationsdesign (KD), 2. Produktdesign (PD), 3. Mediendesign (MD), 4. Illustration (IL). Zulassungsvoraussetzungen in Stichpunkten: 1. Abitur oder Fachhochschulreife, 2. NC (Zulassungsbeschränkung), 3. Eignungsprüfung, 4. 13 wöchiges Vorpraktikum => Beginn 2x jährlich in Sommer- und Wintersemester, 7 Semester Regelstudienzeit, ca. 300 EUR Semestergebühr. Studieninteressierte finden [[https://www.fh-muenster.de/studium/studiengaenge/index.php?studId=26|hier]] ein Kurzprofil zum Bachelorstudiengang Design und das MSD-spezielle integrierte Studienmodell.+===== Teaching at FH Münster University of Applied Sciences =====
-Der auf dem BA Studium aufbauende **Master of Design** ist ein 3-semestriger Studiengang mit Freiraum zur Entwicklung der eigenen Fähigkeiten in der persönlichen Design Disziplin (KD, PDMD oder IL) in freier MedienwahlStudierende durchlaufen drei aufeinanderfolgende Module: Orientierung (1Sem.)Exploration (2. Sem.) und Masterthesis (3Sem.). In Stichpunkten: ergebnisoffene Aufgabeninterdisziplinäres Arbeitenrecht hoher Innovationsgrad. Ergebnisse werden im sog. //Münster Parcours// präsentiert.+FH Münster University of Applied Sciences, founded in 1971 from a merger of various engineering and vocational schoolsstands as one of Germany's largest and most successful applied sciences institutions. Located in Münster and Steinfurt, the university serves around 15.000 students across 14 faculties and research institutionsIt has established a strong reputation for quality in education and researchsupported by highest rates of third-party funding among German universities of applied sciencesThis commitment to quality inspires strategic alliances with industry partnersThe university offers a broad spectrum of programsincluding innovative offerings like dual-study options and international programswith a significant number of courses and activities designed to enhance global competencies​​​​.
-<WRAP group> <WRAP half column>+It brings Felix great joy to prepare students for the challenges and opportunities of our interconnected world, ensuring they become strong critical thinkers and capable problem-solvers. To achieve these goals, he teaches courses in the fields of design, media and technology (…and a sprinkle of artistic flair for good measure). He serves as a mentor, offering advice on everything from competitions to self-initiated projects, and provides guidance on Bachelor's and Master's thesis projects. His support extends beyond theoretical guidance, encompassing practical aspects of project realization, including content and form development, prototyping, production, and project management. Felix delights in organizing exhibitions to showcase students' outstanding projects, and if adequate to transfer curated results from the courses and the students’ research fields to the [[https://www.reach-euregio.de|Reach Center]] for further development.
-==== Allgemeine links zum Design Studium ==== 
-  * Designstudierende die in Aachen, Bielefeld, Dortmund, Düsseldorf, Essen, Köln, Krefeld, Münster oder Wuppertal immatrikuliert sind, können Vorlesungen und Seminare der anderen acht Hochschulen besuchen. Checkt [[http://www.dekanekonferenz-design.de/d_projekte/dw|DesignWandern]]! +==== Felix at Technology Campus Steinfurt ====
-  * [[https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?hl=en&msa=0&z=2&ie=UTF8&mid=1qM6i7Y1isR8iicB8saRfzWMXcQs&ll=-3.81666561775622e-14%2C27.691605500000037|Interaction-Design Education Map]] edit. von [[https://www.hawk.de/de/hochschule/organisation-und-personen/personenverzeichnis/stefan-woelwer|Prof. Stefan Wölwer]], HAWK +
-  * [[Universal_Design_Education_Charter_GER|Deutsche Übersetzung]] der Universal Design Education Charter ([[https://d5ff5051-8253-4df1-a24e-9cbe3a6af3d4.filesusr.com/ugd/4a8a49_8a608b95994f431b90509f1b697c0bd2.pdf|Original Text, PDF]], [[https://www.globallywedesign.com/universal-design-education-charter|GloballyWeDesign]])+
 +{{url>https://umap.openstreetmap.de/en/map/technology-campus-steinfurt-fh-munster-university-_57053 width,height noscroll noborder alignment fullscreen|Technology Campus Steinfurt}}
-</WRAP>+Located at the //Technology Campus// in the city of Steinfurt, the **department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ETI)** is a leading academic institution renowned for its focus on innovative teaching methodologies, cutting-edge research, and practical applications in the fields of computer science, electrical engineering, and information technology. The department offers a range of undergraduate and graduate programs, providing students with comprehensive knowledge and hands-on skills essential for success in today's rapidly evolving technological landscape.
-<WRAP half column>+With state-of-the-art facilities and a dedicated faculty comprised of industry experts and experienced academics, the school emphasises on hands-on learning experiences, collaborative projects, and industry internships to ensure students are well-prepared for careers in various sectors such as software development, IT, media-design, telecommunications, automation, robotics, and more. Additionally, the department fosters a dynamic and inclusive learning environment, encouraging students to engage in research activities, participate in international exchange programs, and explore interdisciplinary opportunities.
-==== Kultur (in NRW====+Felix joined ETI as full Professor for Media-Design receiving a life-long tenure position in Spring 2024. Making use of the design process (looking, learning, asking, prototyping, testing, evaluating, communicating, iteratingthe students develop and design innovative prototypes on topics that are announced each semester. He is currently teaching the following courses:
-  * [[https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1pLAAznEHex5c0XfUAOMKjKa34rC7nQ4J&usp=sharing|Museen rund um NRW]] (link zu Google myMaps+  * //Design Basics// – Praktische Grundlagen der Gestaltung (ETI Wahlpflicht Bachelor, 4. semester, 5 CP
-  * [[https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1d4i-VUeyICwxl3ofT49oUGAGfzOE3WiH&ll=51.6072301337034%2C7.499122131890608&z=12|Inspirierende Orte in NRW]] (link zu Google myMaps+  * //Media Objects// – Entwicklung eines medialen Objektes (ETI Wahlpflicht Master, 1–3. semester 5 CP
-  * [[virtual_exhibition_list|Liste mit Virtuellen Ausstellungen]]+  * //Design, Technology and Innovation in Munsterland// (4.5 CP, BA-level summer school class offered in 2024)
 +Find a list of all courses being taught [[activities:past_teaching_activities|here]].
 +==== Felix at Münster School of Design ====
-</WRAP</WRAP>+{{url>https://umap.openstreetmap.de/en/map/msd-munster-school-of-design_57314 width,height noscroll noborder alignment fullscreen|MSD Münster School of Design}}
 +The //Münster School of Design// (MSD) is the design department of the //Münster University of Applied Sciences//. Felix joined the department as full Professor receiving a life-long position in Fall 2020. Being in charge of the Design Foundations program he was involved in the restructuring and organisation of the foundations program (example of structure of {{:msd_structure_1_semester.png?linkonly|first semester}} and {{:msd_structure_2_semester.png?linkonly|second semester}}), and teaching the following courses:
 +  * //Foundations of Design I.// (10 CP, 1st semester BA-level)
 +  * //Foundations of Design II.// (10 CP, 2nd semester BA-level, incl. introduction to the departments' workshops),\\ Example semester topics: [[http://lautleise.msd-basics.info/|Lautleise]], [[|Non Intentional Design]], [[|Radio Gaga]]
 +  * //Design, Technology and Innovation in Munsterland// (4.5 CP, BA-level summer school class offered in [[https://dti-23.felix-beck.de|2023]]
 +  * //Welcome Week// (Five days of introductions for incoming cohort: ±90 students each semester)
-----+He also enjoyed co-teaching additional courses like… 
 +  * //Creativity & Innovation// (co-teaching design methodologies at //Münster School of Business// in 2021 (MA-level)) 
 +  * //CampX// – a three day gathering on Felix's farm((https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/51.96133/7.46825)) on the topic of sustainability, August 2022 with //Münster School of Business// (MA-level). 
 +  * //Introduction to Nursing// (co-teaching design methodologies at //Münster School of Health// in 2021 (BA-level)).
 +<WRAP center round box 50%>
 +A full overview on his teaching activities as part of the MSD Münster School of Design can be found at the //Grundlagen-Wiki// which he is maintaining for his colleagues and himself for MSD's foundational program: [[https://wiki.msd-basics.info/doku.php?id=uebersicht_kurse_prof_felix_beck|wiki.msd-basics.info]]
-===== Die Grundlagen der Gestaltung =====+[[https://wiki.msd-basics.info|{{ :screenshot_wiki_msd-basics.png?nolink&400 |https://wiki.msd-basics.info}}]] \\ 
 +Please note that a __username and password are needed__ to access the Grundlagen-Wiki. Just write to Felix to get those credentials… 
-  .-. .-. . . . . .-. .   .-. .-. .-. . .   .-. .-. .-.   .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .   .-. . . . . .-.  
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-==== Ein breitgefächerter, zweisemestriger Einführungskurs in das Feld Design ==== 
-{{ :einfuehrung_1sem_nov_2020.jpg?direct&550|Foto von Tutor Malte}} Felix Hardmood Beck wurde 2020 als Professor an die Fachhochschule Münster berufen. An der FH Münster, die zu den größten Hochschulen für angewandte Wissenschaften Deutschlands gehört ([[wp>FH_Münster|Artikel]]), lehrt und forscht er an der Münster School of Design (MSD). Zusammen mit [[https://www.daniela-kirchlechner.com|Prof. Daniela Kirchlechner]] (2.v.l.), [[https://matthias-ruhe.de|Matthias Ruhe]] (2.v.r.) und [[https://lukas-oliver.de/lukas-oliver/|Lukas Oliver]] (r.) ist Prof. Felix Beck zuständig für das Basisstudium und die //Grundlagen der Gestaltung// 
-Der Kurs //Grundlagen der Gestaltung// ist ein zweisemestriger Pflichtkurs im Studium //Design// (Bachelor) und //Lehramt Mediendesign und Designtechnik// (Bachelor) in denen Studierende durch praktische Übungen das Basiswissen der Gestaltung in den Bereichen Fläche, Raum und Zeit erhalten.+-----
- – [[:playground:ziele_1sem|Lernziele und Lerninhalte1. Semester]] \\ +===== Teaching at New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD)2015 – 2020 =====
- – [[:playground:ziele_2sem|Lernziele und Lerninhalte, 2. Semester]]+
-\\+From 2015 to 2020 Felix was //Assistant Professor of Practice of Design// at NYUAD's engineering department. During this time he newly developed several courses. By offering three ADT Core courses (ADT = Art, Design, Technology) per year he essentially added to the Engineering department’s contribution of curricular offerings.
 Find a summary of all of Beck's accomplishments at NYUAD [[http://www.felix-beck.de/content/1.about/NYUAD_accomplishments_of_Felix_Beck_(2015–2020).pdf|here]] (PDF/100kb).
-^**Jahr** ^   ^**Thema**   ^**Organisatorisches ** | +Courses taught:
-|Wintersemester 2021/22  |1. Semester  |               +
-|                        |2. Semester  |               +
-|Sommersemester 2021     |1. Semester  |Karten. Maps.           |[[:sose2021_1sem_termine|Überblick]] (Termine, Themen, Aufgaben), [[:referate_1sem_2021|Referatsliste]], Mattermost Kanal  | +
-|                        |2. Semester  |Radio Gaga              |[[:sose2021_2sem_termine|Überblick]] (Termine, Themen, Aufgaben), [[:referate_2sem_2021|Referatsliste]], Mattermost Kanal   | +
-|Wintersemester 2020/21  |1. Semester  |Wachsen. Grow.          |[[:wise2020_21_1sem_termine|Überblick]] (Termine, Themen, Aufgaben), [[:referate_1sem_2020_21|Referatsliste]], Mattermost Kanäle: [[https://mattermost.fh-muenster.de/hardmood/channels/gl-2-semester|Gr. V]], [[https://mattermost.fh-muenster.de/hardmood/channels/gl-1-semester-nachmittags|Gr. VI]]  | +
-|                        |2. Semester  |Non-Intentional Design  |[[:wise2020_21_2sem_termine|Überblick]] (Termine, Themen, Aufgaben), [[:referate_2sem_2020_21|Referatsliste]], [[https://mattermost.fh-muenster.de/hardmood/channels/gl-2-semester|Mattermost Kanal]] |+
-==== Sonstige kursrelevante Dinge ====+  * '//Utilitas, Venustas, Firmitas//' (Art, Design, and Technology Core Competency Course (CADT-UH 1016), 4CP, 14 weeks) 
 +  * '//Manus Et Machina//' (Art, Design, and Technology Core Competency Course (CADT-UH 1001), 4CP, 14 weeks) 
 +  * '//Plastic Fantastic//' (Art, Design, and Technology Core Competency Course (CADT-UH 1045J), 4 CP, 3 weeks, J-Term) 
 +  * Design & Innovation (Engineering Foundations Core (ENGR-AD 110), 2 CP, 3 weeks, J-Term) 
 +  * Design Fundamentals (Engineering Elective (ENGR-AD 323), 4 CP, 14 weeks) 
 +  * Introduction to Interactive Media (introductory course (MDMED-AD 101), 4CP, 14 weeks) 
 +  * Engineers for Social Impact (1 CP, 2 weeks trip as part of 14 weeks //Engineering Ethics// course (ENGR-AD-324)) 
 +<WRAP center round box 50%> 
 +Check out the list of all courses, workshops, exhibitions, and other activities in this revision of "the old" hardmood-wiki: 
 +[[http://www.felix-beck.de/nyuad/teaching|{{ :screenshot_wiki_nyuad.png?nolink&400 |https://www.felix-beck.de/nyuad/teaching}}]] \\ 
-  * [[:mattermost|Einrichtung von Mattermost]] +And here are some impressions from the past…\\  
-  * Felix Grundlagen der Gestaltung [[:playground:top100books|Top 100 Bücherliste]] +{{:190304_uvf_trip_2019_22.jpg?direct&150|}} {{:190304_uvf_trip_2019_45.jpg?direct&150|}} {{:broken_screen_student_10.jpg?direct&150|}} {{:felix_hardmood_beck_02.jpg?direct&150|}} {{:mm17_class_docu_0.jpg?direct&150|}} {{:mm17_fieldtrip_03.jpg?direct&150|}} {{:uvf19_coursepics_51.jpg?direct&150|}} {{:mm17_fieldtrip_10.jpg?direct&150|}} {{:mm206_oasis.jpg?direct&150|}} {{:mm2016_dhow_workshop.jpg?direct&150|}} {{:uvf19_coursepics_40.jpg?direct&150|}} {{:qe2-townhall-64.jpg?direct&150|}} {{:uvf18_fieldtrip_14.jpg?direct&150|}} {{:uvf18_fieldtrip_13.jpg?direct&150|}} {{:teaching_pic_by_lubna_alawadhi_02.jpg?direct&150|}}
-  * [[:design_basics_grundausstattung|Design Basics Grundausstattung]] +
-  * [[:ruhe_einfuehrungsvideos_liste|Matthias Ruhes unglaubliche Sammlung an Einführungsvideos]] +
-  * [[:praesentations_template_des_grundlagen-kurses|Präsentationstipps]] und [[http://www.hardmood.info/doku.php?id=praesentations_template_des_grundlagen-kurses#die_verwendung_des_grundlagen_keynote_templates_v01|Verwendung der Präsentationsvorlage]] +
-  * [[:how_to_download_twitter_images|Anleitung zu Chromes Twitter Media Downloader]] → Eine Möglichkeit alle geposteten Bilder eines Twitter accounts mit einem Klick herunter zu laden. +
-  * Anleitung zur [[:illustrator-datei_von_osm_daten|Erzeugung einer *.ai-Datei auf Basis von OSM Daten]] +
-  * Anleitung zur [[:3D-datei_aus_osm_daten|Extrahierung von 3D-Daten aus OSM Daten]] +
-  * Dokumentation zum Bau der [[grundlagen_fraese|Grundlagen Fräse]]+
 ===== Imprint, Privacy Policy, Disclaimer & Copyrights ===== ===== Imprint, Privacy Policy, Disclaimer & Copyrights =====
-Alle notwendigen Angaben zu [[impressum#i_impressum|Impressum]], [[impressum#ii_privacy_policy|Privacy Policy]], [[impressum#iii_disclaimer|Disclaimer]] und [[impressum#iv_copyrights|Copyright]] Regelungen finden sich [[impressum|hier]].+You can find all needed information on the [[impressum#ii_privacy_policy|Privacy Policy]], the [[impressum#iii_disclaimer|Disclaimer]] or the [[impressum#iv_copyrights|Copyright]] regulations in the [[impressum#i_impressum|Imprint]].
/var/www/vhosts/hardmood.info/httpdocs/data/pages/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/07 12:07 by Felix Hardmood Beck