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3D in Photoshop von OSM Daten

How to Extract 3D Models from OpenStreetMaps?

Sometimes it is necessary and useful to extract 3D models such as building from Google Earth, Google Maps, or even better: OpenStreetMaps. It is possible to draw buildings manually, but it will take a lot of time, especially if you are trying to model a part of a city which have an excessive number of buildings. So, with the help a few simple tools, you can save a lot of time while getting satisfying and neat results.

However, Google's 3D data is proprietary and computer generated. So, ripping 3D data from Google is kind of a hack and the results are generally messy. Also, tools that extract 3D models only work in the Windows environment. On the other hand, OpenStreetMap is built by community, open data and it stores the accurate 3D data as Google does. Since OpenStreetMap's data is free to use and tools that process the data works on different operating systems, it more convenient to use OpenStreetMap instead of the Google Earth/Maps. In addition, results from OpenStreetMap is cleaner and more organized.


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/var/www/vhosts/hardmood.info/httpdocs/data/attic/3d-datei_aus_osm_daten.1607010478.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/28 19:08 (external edit)