
A DokuWiki flirting with bilingualism to chronicle Prof. Felix Beck's courses and academic antics.

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info:list_of_links [2024/02/29 11:19] Felix Hardmood Beckinfo:list_of_links [2024/11/21 15:24] (current) – removed Felix Hardmood Beck
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-===== Links that Felix does not want to forget (LtFdnwtf) ===== 
-General design… 
-  * [[how_to:rules_for_design_practice|Rules for and from the design practice]] 
-  * [[literature:top100books|100 design books you should have read]] / compiled list on [[literature:buecher_design_umwelt|books on design & environment]] 
-  * A compiled list of [[design_basics_grundausstattung|things you might need in your first year of studying design]] (For first year MSD students) 
-  * [[:gestaltgesetze|Gestalt rules]] (in German) 
-  * [[:universal_design_education_charter_ger|Universal Design Education Charta]] (German & English) 
-Interaction Design 
-  * [[https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?hl=en&msa=0&z=2&ie=UTF8&mid=1qM6i7Y1isR8iicB8saRfzWMXcQs&ll=-3.81666561775622e-14%2C27.691605500000037|Interaction-Design Education Map]] edit. von [[https://www.hawk.de/de/hochschule/organisation-und-personen/personenverzeichnis/stefan-woelwer|Prof. Stefan Wölwer]], HAWK 
-  * [[how_to:illustrator-datei_von_osm_daten|How to create a map from OSM data]] (in German only, sorry!) 
-  * [[how_to:how_to_download_twitter_images|How to download a bunch of images from Twitter]] (in German only, sorry!) 
-  * Compare-Matrix for different Wikis: https://www.wikimatrix.org/#compare 
-  * [[http://www.felix-beck.de/nyuad/teaching/doku.php?id=wifi_stepper|Good Robotics WiFi Stepper]] (how-to/link to "the old" NYUAD Wiki) 
-  * Documentation of building a [[how_to:grundlagen_fraese|DIY CNC-milling machine]] and [[how_to:cnc_fraese_arbeiten_mit_vektoren|how to use it]], and [[https://wiki.msd-basics.info/doku.php?id=cnc_carving_wise21_22_1sem|some x-carved samples]]. 
-  * [[https://felix-beck.de/workshop/glemmer/Glemmer_Module.html|Glemmer Workshop 2014]] 
/var/www/vhosts/hardmood.info/httpdocs/data/attic/info/list_of_links.1709205583.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/28 19:08 (external edit)