
A DokuWiki flirting with bilingualism to chronicle Prof. Felix Beck's courses and academic antics.

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info:list_of_links [2024/10/18 13:36] – [General design] Felix Hardmood Beckinfo:list_of_links [2024/11/21 15:24] (current) – removed Felix Hardmood Beck
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-===== Links that Felix does not want to forget (LtFdnwtf) ===== 
-==== General design ==== 
-  * [[how_to:rules_for_design_practice|Rules for and from the design practice]] 
-  * [[info:dateibennenung|Dateibenennung]] 
-  * [[literature:top100books|100 design books you should have read]] / compiled list on [[literature:buecher_design_umwelt|books on design & environment]] 
-  * A compiled list of [[design_basics_grundausstattung|things you might need in your first year of studying design]] (For first year MSD students) 
-  * [[stuff:gestaltgesetze|Gestalt rules]] (in German) 
-  * [[stuff:universal_design_education_charter_ger|Universal Design Education Charta]] (German & English) 
-  * [[https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?hl=en&msa=0&z=2&ie=UTF8&mid=1qM6i7Y1isR8iicB8saRfzWMXcQs&ll=-3.81666561775622e-14%2C27.691605500000037|Interaction-Design Education Map]] edit. von [[https://www.hawk.de/de/hochschule/organisation-und-personen/personenverzeichnis/stefan-woelwer|Prof. Stefan Wölwer]], HAWK 
-==== Berichte/Interviews etc auf FH MS Webseite ==== 
-  * [[https://www.fh-muenster.de/de/ueber-uns/newsroom/news/discovering-camp-nachbericht|DiscoverING Camp]] (Oktober 2024) 
-==== Allgemeines mit Forschung/FH Bezug ==== 
-  * [[https://terminplaner4.dfn.de|Terminplaner]] vom Verein zur Förderung eines Deutschen Forschungsnetzes e. V. 
-  * [[:liste_engagement_und_anlaufstellen|Liste für studentisches Engagement und Anlaufstellen]] 
-==== Art, Media and Technology ==== 
-[[https://www.creativeapplications.net/blog/|CreativeApplications.Net]] is a community of creative practitioners working at the intersection of art, media and technology. Since 2008, CAN has been at the forefront of innovation—facilitating and contributing to the conversation about culture, society and critical making. CAN is also known for uncovering and contextualising noteworthy work featured on the festival and gallery circuit, executed within the commercial realm or developed as academic research. From online and offline publications to live events, CAN’s initiatives have played an instrumental role in the ideation, development and critique of a multitude of computational tools, projects and collaborations — always promoting critical dialogue, disciplinary interstices, knowledge sharing and feedback + response in diverse media. 
-[[https://we-make-money-not-art.com/about/|We Make Money Not Art]] is a blog that focuses on the intersection between art, science, and social issues. Created in March 2004, we-make-money-not-art.com investigates the work of artists, designers, and hackers who are using science and technology in a critical, socially engaged way. The blog is a personal one; it features interviews with artists and scientists, book reviews, reports from media art festivals as well as accidental explorations of contemporary culture at large. 
-Amazing Webworks by [[http://patorjk.com|Patrick Gillespie]]: [[http://patorjk.com/software/taag/#p=display&f=Graffiti&t=Type%20Something%20|ASCII-Generator]], [[http://patorjk.com/vis/chaos-ladder/|Game of Thrones Chaos Ladder]] 
-==== Software ==== 
-  * [[how_to:illustrator-datei_von_osm_daten|How to create a map from OSM data]] (in German only, sorry!) 
-  * [[how_to:how_to_download_twitter_images|How to download a bunch of images from Twitter]] (in German only, sorry!) 
-  * Compare-Matrix for different Wikis: https://www.wikimatrix.org/#compare 
-==== Hardware ==== 
-  * [[http://www.felix-beck.de/nyuad/teaching/doku.php?id=wifi_stepper|Good Robotics WiFi Stepper]] (how-to/link to "the old" NYUAD Wiki) 
-  * Documentation of building a [[how_to:grundlagen_fraese|DIY CNC-milling machine]] and [[how_to:cnc_fraese_arbeiten_mit_vektoren|how to use it]], and [[https://wiki.msd-basics.info/doku.php?id=cnc_carving_wise21_22_1sem|some x-carved samples]]. 
-  * [[https://felix-beck.de/workshop/glemmer/Glemmer_Module.html|Glemmer Workshop 2014]] 
-==== Kultur (in NRW) ==== 
-  * [[https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1pLAAznEHex5c0XfUAOMKjKa34rC7nQ4J&usp=sharing|Museen rund um NRW]] (link zu Google myMaps) 
-  * [[https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1d4i-VUeyICwxl3ofT49oUGAGfzOE3WiH&ll=51.6072301337034%2C7.499122131890608&z=12|Inspirierende Orte in NRW]] (link zu Google myMaps) 
/var/www/vhosts/hardmood.info/httpdocs/data/attic/info/list_of_links.1729258591.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/10/18 13:36 by Felix Hardmood Beck

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